29th Jan 2010
-After class, me, kin soon, and wai kit went genting klang to meet jason and we had lunch together. This new shop owner is from taiwan. The good and the tea also he import from taiwan. Taste different as outside and its so good that i will surely go again.
Drinks- Kin soon's, mine, Jason's, wai kit's

Jason's food

My food

Jason and his dog-lexie (breed: terrier)

Lexie (female)

Jason's puppy - Silver (female white terrier)

lexie and silver

Silver on my lap.. sayang~

Me and Silver baby

Wai kit and silver -silver looks like teddy bear in this photo

-Later on, went for badminton session from 6 to 8pm. I twisted my leg and fell during a friendly match (me and eric vs my sis kimberly and kin soon). luckily its not so serious till i cant walk.. but pain.
-Went straight for gathering without taking bath... me and my sis stinks.. haha!
2006 Foundation (during lab time.. with physics lecturer the pretty ms yap and mr. XX forget his name.. sorry) he he.. miss those time..

Foundation.. saying good bye to Yu Xin..she's going to nottinghem uni..

TD4 trip to PD !

Steamboat gathering.. which year was this? dont remember luuu

Canness Tea House TD4 gathering..2009

Four Season 2010 gathering!! muahahah!!

The fallen angels

Me and Chuan yen

Me and ying hao

Me and Yu Xin (glad you came)

My sis and me

Me, Yu Xin, Chuan Yen, Ka Cong


Shirley, me and song song

TD4 fallen angels

editted by shirley


TD4 guys

Sat and Sun (30th and 31st Jan 2010)
-working.. selling ice cream. made new friends. one of them is my competitor. he he~
His name - Ah Ben

1st Jan 2010
-Chocolate party with my family.. a mini parteyh
beautifully wrapped

unwrapped by the rough and macho sistas.. but still looked okay


me and shirly with chocs

kisses~ muacks!

kinder bueno white (first time eat this flavor, very nice!!) love it.. sweet!

kimberly with her favorite.. ferrero

ferrero collection

dark choc

Credit to Uncle Hew and his wife for those chocs..
2nd Jan 2010
-today i camwhored a while .. attended class.. attended a talk.. thats all
-boring day with no info no knowledge absorb.. go to class = didnt go class (waste time) .. but if i skip class.. i feel guilty. hah!

this doesnt look like me...

A talk which i dont understand the slang and anything at all.. is like bobobopupupu..

Nokia N97

I guess that will be all for the updates. Not happy and very down now.. hope tmr will be a happy day